SGM Alliance

Our Mission

Educating and advocating for inclusive Sexual & Gender Minority (SGM) participation in clinical research, life sciences, and the evolution of healthcare.

Our Vision

A global healthcare landscape where the Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) community can navigate an equitable healthcare system with dignity.

Diversity Statement

Your identity cannot be captured in a single checkbox. It is multi-dimensional, going beyond sexuality, gender, race, or ethnicity. We embrace intersectionality for our members and look forward to knowing the authentic you.

*Intersectionality – The interconnected nature of various forms of discrimination, such as racism, sexism, and classism, and how they intersect and impact marginalized individuals or groups.

A relentless drive
to do better

We are driven by a deep sense of pride and a relentless commitment to positively impacting the world. Our perspective allows us to view equity and inclusion as achievable goals.

Our Method

We will empower individuals and healthcare professionals through comprehensive education programs that promote understanding, cultural competence, and inclusive practices, ensuring equitable healthcare for all.

We actively advocate for policies that protect the rights and healthcare access of SGM individuals and work closely with stakeholders and our community to drive positive change and achieve lasting impact.

We engage and collaborate with diverse communities, fostering meaningful relationships, providing resources, and empowering individuals to advocate for their healthcare needs, creating a strong network of support and inclusivity.

We will empower individuals and healthcare professionals through comprehensive education programs that promote understanding, cultural competence, and inclusive practices, ensuring equitable healthcare for all.

Get Involved

One Time

Make a one time
donation to advance
and improve SGM
inclusion in healthcare.


Make a monthly
contribution and challenge
biases and advocate for
SGM individuals.


Join the growing list of
sponsors that want to pursue
effective, equitable, and
compassionate care for all.

Stay Connected